100% Plug & Play devices together with a cutting-edge Tech 4.0 interface!
The integration of our IoT range with our platform offers a technological solution that facilitates seamless data feedback from your machines. Installation is quick and easy, eliminating the need to stop production to set up monitoring. Our agile daily efforts focus on the continuous development of our devices and platform, ensuring our solutions evolve constantly to meet your needs!

Your machine's smartphone

An advanced IoT, the KEYNETIC© magnetizes itself directly to your machine, learning and tracking the vibratory signature of the part in production.
Adaptable to all types of machine, its embedded algorithm and Artificial Intelligence enable you to count your parts automatically and analyze the status of your machines in real time.
Its touch screen and luminous banner make it easy to get to grips with and monitor your production instantly.
No more paper in the workshop.

Unique hardware, the KEYVIBE© is able to perceive, analyze and transmit information about your machine's status (on/off) directly to the KEYPROD application.
Simple, robust and universal, it's ideal for equipment that produces vibration and whose operating status you want to monitor.
Don't control your workshop by ear - KEYVIBE does it for you!
A mix of technologies for industry

KEYPROD is a cloud-based solution platform.
It provides you with a consolidated, real-time view of your production via performance indicators such as OEE.
Linked directly to your machines, it alerts you in the event of excessive deviations or unscheduled stoppages. Find your KPIs everywhere, all the time, live.
Your KPIs will no longer hold any secrets for you!
Your machines communicate in a vibratory language that KEYPROD interprets and analyzes using algorithms and Artificial Intelligence.
Our connected units provide the key information you and your operators need on a daily basis, so you can access all your plant's KPIs at a glance !
